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    Alfred Riddle

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    Terra Herrmann

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    Mansa Esso-Hammond

    Business Manager
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    Lois Myhre

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    Dawn Mumper

    Academic Advisor
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    Elisa Suphol

    Junior High Coordinator
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    Ashley Pettit

    Development & Advancement Director
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    Verita Gultom

    Junior Accountant


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    Kayloni West

    Kindergarten Teacher
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    Elizabeth Antobam

    1st Grade Teacher
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    Sabrina Solorzano

    2nd Grade Teacher
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    Mandi Staples

    3rd Grade Teacher
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    Tara Pierce

    4th Grade Teacher
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    Otilia Rodriguez-Langford

    5th Grade Teacher
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    Ryan Wilkinson

    6th Grade Teacher
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    Lidija Plantak

    Band Teacher
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    Emily Unterseher

    Art Teacher
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    Alissa Tanguay

    Choir/Handbells/Elementary Music Teacher
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    Lynn Delinger

    Technology/Yearbook/Digital Arts Teacher

Junior High

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    Elisa Suphol

    Spanish Teacher
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    Georgina Mabika

    Math Teacher
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    Gretchen Bethurum

    English Teacher
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    Caleb Prindle

    Social and Emotional Learning Teacher
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    Nicholas Borchik

    History Teacher
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    Lynn Delinger

    Technology Teacher
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    Alissa Tanguay

    Choir and Handbells Teacher
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    Lidija Plantak

    Band Teacher
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    Emily Unterseher

    Art Teacher
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    Bethany Kiers

    Physical Education Teacher
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    Justin Serns

    Athletic Director

High School

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    Gretchen Bethurum

    English, AVID Teacher
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    Dawn Mumper

    Math Teacher
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    Caleb Prindle

    English Teacher
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    David Lundgrin

    Religion Teacher
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    Andrae Chambers

    Science Teacher
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    Nicholas Borchik

    History Teacher
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    Georgina Mabika

    Math Teacher
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    Elisa Suphol

    Spanish Teacher
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    Timothy Giang

    AP US History Teacher
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    Alissa Tanguay

    Choir and Handbells Teacher
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    Lidija Plantak

    Band Teacher
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    Emily Unterseher

    Art Teacher
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    Lynn Delinger

    Technology Teacher
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    Bethany Kiers

    Physical Education Teacher
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    Justin Serns

    Athletic Director

Support Staff

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    Verita Gultom

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    Ashley Pettit

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    Wonda Fleming

    Instructional Aide
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    Michael Staudt

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    Stephanie McGee

    Instructional Aide
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    Elsa Ramos

    Instructional Aide
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    Misael Castro

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    Yanina Aviles

Summer Office Ho