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Mesa Grande Academy Music Department

The music department at Mesa Grande Academy is a busy place full of learning and laughter!

Elementary Music

Grades K-4 have separate general music classes twice a week and receive instruction on instruments such as handchimes, recorders, desk bells, and boomwhackers. They also sing for the Christmas and Spring concerts as well as our annual Veteran’s Day and Grandparents day celebratory programs. Recently, we have put on several elementary musicals which have been lots of fun!

In 5th grade, students may choose whether they want to participate in the 5th-6th grade choir/general music/ukulele class or the band. These classes take place during the school day twice a week, and there is also an introductory level handbell ensemble entitled Jubilation that meets one day a week after school. 

The students in these ensembles perform for the Christmas, Spring, and Veteran’s Day concerts, and occasionally take part in the music adjudication/competition held at Knott’s Berry Farm.

Junior High Music

Music classes for the 7th and 8th grade students are structured similarly to those for 5th and 6th grade students. Usually, a student picks a music class track in 5th grade and sticks with it until or throughout high school. All students in grades K-8 are required to participate in music classes. 

Junior high band is the natural next step for those who were in 5th-6th band. This group attends the Southeastern California Conference (SECC) junior high band ensemble, and they also attend the annual Knott’s Berry Farm competition with the high school band. 

Choir focuses on learning pieces for the MGA concerts and the SECC junior high choral festival, but the class also takes on a music appreciation flavor with creative activities and projects to teach students about music composition, technology, and music from other countries. 

Laudation is the name of the 7th-8th grade handbell ensemble. This group is a continuation and advancement of the skills learned in 5th and 6th grade, and these students attend the SECC junior high handbell ensemble. 

All three of these groups participate in the annual Christmas and Spring concerts on the Mesa Grande campus as well as share music at our constituent churches.

High School Music

When students reach high school, there are many other opportunities for electives. 
Nevertheless, many students choose to continue their musical training and are excited to participate in ensembles that play more challenging music and tour more frequently. The high school band, choir, and handbell (Tintinnabulation) ensembles all travel to various constituent churches each year to provide music for the church services and play for the Christmas and Spring concerts at MGA. They also participate in the SECC music festivals as well as the Knott’s Berry Farm music competition/adjudication where they have received several first and second place awards and ratings. These students are dedicated to MGA’s music program and understand the level of teamwork required to create beautiful music. 

In the spring, the music department goes on tour to provide music and smiles to people outside of our normal geographic community. Tour spots in recent years have included Thousand Oaks, California, Northern California, and Phoenix, Arizona. 

Music is a valuable part of Christian whole-person education, and the opportunity to create and share music with others is an experience that blesses all who are involved.

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth,
burst into jubilant song with music;
make music to the Lord with the harp,
with the harp and the sound of singing,
with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn—
shout for joy before the Lord, the King.
Let the sea resound, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it

Psalm 98: 4-7 (NIV)